Welcome to my webpage. I am a Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Director of Impact, Director of the Computational Intelligence Centre, and Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) and Fellow of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA). I am Highly Ranked Scholar-Lifetime by ScholarGPS (my scholarly contributions have placed me in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide).
My main research interests are in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and Data Science with applications to Finance, Cyber Physical Systems, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Uncertainty Management, Intelligent Planning, Intelligent Robotics, and Intelligent Control of Industrial Processes.
I have authored more than 500 papers in international journals, conferences, and books. I am among the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in the world (Scopus, October 2024).
I have acted as Director of Research at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering and led the School's submission to REF 2021, which saw Essex ranked 6th in the UK for Research Power in Computer Science and Informatics.
My research has won numerous prestigious international awards, including the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) awards. I received the 2010 Outstanding Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and the 2004 Outstanding Paper Award in the same journal. Additionally, I was awarded the 2015 and 2017 Global Telecommunications Business awards for joint projects with British Telecom. In 2016, I was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. In 2022, I was awarded the Outstanding Associate Editor Commendation from the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. My work has also won best paper awards at several leading international conferences, including the 2014 and 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, the 2012 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, and the 2016 BCS/SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. I was awarded the 2011 IEEE CIS Outstanding Chapter Award. In 2021, I received the Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership award from the University of Essex. In 2018, I was awarded the best Knowledge Transfer Partnership Academic by the University of Essex, and in 2017, I received the best Research Impact award for my work with British Telecom. I served as the Principal Investigator for a project that received the 2011 UK Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership for London and the East Region from the UK Technology Strategy Board and another project awarded the 2009 Lord Stafford Achievement in Innovation Award for East of England. In 2010, I led a research students team to win first place in the RoboCup 2010. In 2007, I was shortlisted by the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) for the UK Young Researcher of the Year award.
I am an Associate Editor for many journals, including IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Based Systems, Cognitive Computations, and others.
I have served as the General and Programme Chair of numerous major international conferences. Notably, I was the General Co-Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and the Programme Chair of the 2021 and 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, among other conferences.
Due to the industrial and application relevance of my research, I have been involved in strong collaboration with industry. This industrial collaboration was in form of collaborative research projects, knowledge transfer and consultancies. This industrial collaboration is of great benefit as besides providing research funding, it also allows the development of courses that are of direct relevance to industry as well as providing industrial placements which will further enhance the skills of the University graduates. Furthermore, this industrial cooperation allows the dissemination of my research into real world products and services which can be useful and helpful to the community.