Professor Hani Hagras

Welcome to my webpage. I am a Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Director of Impact, Director of the Computational Intelligence Centre, and Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) and Fellow of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA). I am Highly Ranked Scholar-Lifetime by ScholarGPS (my scholarly contributions have placed me in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide).

About Me

My main research interests are in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and Data Science with applications to Finance, Cyber Physical Systems, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Uncertainty Management, Intelligent Planning, Intelligent Robotics, and Intelligent Control of Industrial Processes.

I have authored more than 500 papers in international journals, conferences, and books. I am among the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in the world (Scopus, October 2024).

I hold eleven industrial international granted patents and applications in the fields of Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Physical Systems.
My work has received funding from major research councils and industry.

I have acted as Director of Research at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering and led the School's submission to REF 2021, which saw Essex ranked 6th in the UK for Research Power in Computer Science and Informatics.

My research has won numerous prestigious international awards, including the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) awards. I received the 2010 Outstanding Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and the 2004 Outstanding Paper Award in the same journal. Additionally, I was awarded the 2015 and 2017 Global Telecommunications Business awards for joint projects with British Telecom. In 2016, I was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. In 2022, I was awarded the Outstanding Associate Editor Commendation from the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. My work has also won best paper awards at several leading international conferences, including the 2014 and 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, the 2012 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, and the 2016 BCS/SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. I was awarded the 2011 IEEE CIS Outstanding Chapter Award. In 2021, I received the Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership award from the University of Essex. In 2018, I was awarded the best Knowledge Transfer Partnership Academic by the University of Essex, and in 2017, I received the best Research Impact award for my work with British Telecom. I served as the Principal Investigator for a project that received the 2011 UK Best Knowledge Transfer Partnership for London and the East Region from the UK Technology Strategy Board and another project awarded the 2009 Lord Stafford Achievement in Innovation Award for East of England. In 2010, I led a research students team to win first place in the RoboCup 2010. In 2007, I was shortlisted by the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) for the UK Young Researcher of the Year award.

I am an Associate Editor for many journals, including IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-Based Systems, Cognitive Computations, and others.

I have served as the General and Programme Chair of numerous major international conferences. Notably, I was the General Co-Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and the Programme Chair of the 2021 and 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, among other conferences.



Professional Experience



  • Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society CIS Fellows Sub-Committee (2025)

  • Member of the IEEE Standards Association working group for Explainable AI standard

  • Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Senior Members Sub-Committee. (2009)

  • Chair of the IEEE CIS Conference Bid subcommittee. (2021- 2022)

  • Chair of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Extensions to Type-1 Fuzzy Sets. (2006-2020)

  • Vice Chair of the IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Emergent Technologies (2009-2015).

  • Associate Editor for the Following Journals

  • IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

  • IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.

  • Knowledge Based Systems

  • Cognitive Computation.

  • The International Journal of Robotics and Automation.

  • Soft Computing.

  • Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence

  • Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments.

  • Invited to develop a tutorial for the IEEE Expert Now Online Tutorials entitled “Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers: Towards a New Approach for Handling Uncertainties in Real World Environments” appeared January 2009.

  • Invited by the IEEE to join the IEEE-United Nations (UN) Humanitarian Technology Challenge project which is a partnership between the IEEE, the United Nations Foundation and the Vodafone Foundation. The project is targeted at developing technological solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing public health and disaster response workers today to help developing nations.

  • Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Fellows committee (2015)

  • Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Conference Committee (2021-2022)

  • Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Conference Strategic Planning Committee (2018- 2020)

  • Chair of the Communications subcommittee in the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Conference Committee (2014-2017)

  • Chair of the of the Technical Conference Co-sponsorship sub committee in the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2016-2017)

  • Member of the IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems Technical Committee (FSTC). (2006-Present)

  • Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) IEEE IES Technical Committee of the Building Automation, Control and Management. (2004-2014)

  • Member of the IEEE CIS Emergent Technologies Technical Committee (ETTC). (2007-2016)

  • Member of the IEEE CIS Senior Members Sub Committee. (2008- 2010)

  • Member of the Executive Committee of the IET Robotics and Mechatronics Professional and Technical Network. (2005-2009)

  • Chair of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Intelligent Agents (2007-2008)

  • Member of the IEEE CIS Chapters Subcommittee. (2008)

  • Member of the validation committee of the Berufsakademie, Germany.
  • Patents

  • (2022) In cooperation with British Telecom, we have an international patent pending entitled "GENERATING THREE-DIMENSIONAL DATA MODELS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOOR PLANS" number PCT/EP2022/056223. This patent presented a method to generate a three-dimensional (3D) data model of a two-dimensional (2D) floor plan, the floor plan being constituted as a digital image including indications of types of building elements.

  • (2021) In cooperation with British Telecom, we have an international patent pending entitled "Interaction-Based Rendering of Spatial Environments" number PCT/EP2020/087120. This patent presented a method of navigating a digital representation of a spatial environment by a user in which a portion of the digital representation is rendered by a rendering computer system for visualization by the user.

  • (2020) In cooperation with British Telecom, we have an international patent pending entitled "Resilient Network Routing" number PCT/EP2019/085936. This patent presented non-intersecting primary and secondary routes between source and destination nodes in a communications network.

  • (2020) In cooperation with Temenos, we have an international patent pending entitled “An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Mechanism” number PCT/GB2019/053045. The patent presented a method for determining and explaining an artificial intelligence, AI, system employing an opaque model from a local or global point of view.

  • (2019) Developed with British Telecom—type-2 FLS based mixed reality for telecommunications field engineers—which resulted in the international patent PCT/EP2018/061598.

  • (2016) Developed Embedded Agents (EAs) that can be embedded in everyday devices, converting them to smart devices, e.g. retrofitting existing cookers using an EA, which converts them into intelligent, autonomous, secure, and energy-efficient cookers; he is co-inventor on Patent Number: PCT/IB2015/002272.

  • (2016) Developed, a new product encompassing 3D vision sensors and type-2 FLS, that performs real-time automatic detection and summarization of important events and human behaviors from large-scale live video data; this work resulted in a PCT patent in which Hagras is a co-inventor. This technology changes the way CCTV is monitored and used, particularly in care-settings and is able to predict when a resident is in need of assistance. This work was awarded the Best Student Paper Award at FUZZ-IEEE 2014, Beijing, China.

  • (2015) Working with British Telecom (the largest telecommunications company in the world), on the dissemination of type-2 FLSs for workforce management; this led to a new product called “iPatch”, which was awarded international Patent US - 01.06.2017, in which Hagras is a co-inventor. iPatch increases the capacity to respond to emergency situations and handle more demand each day with a demonstrated 7% productivity uplift along with a reduction of over 1,666 metric tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to removing over 353 cars off the road per year.

  • (2009) co-inventor of granted patent employing type-2 FLSs for applications in financial applications (Patent Number US20110071969.

  • (2007) Worked with Lightwave Technologies develop their novel ICE product for energy optimization of large buildings, that has been implemented in several countries (including UK and Ireland) to maximize occupant comfort and safety while providing a 30% energy savings; he is co-inventor of Patent Number: PCT/EP2007/054323.

  • (1999) A British patent entitled “Genetic-Fuzzy Real-Time Controller” number “2350695”. The patented mechanism uses a double hierarchy of fuzzy-genetic systems enabling Genetic Algorithms to work in real time and converge to an adequate solution in a very short time. This mechanism had enabled the creation of a fast computing system that can find a control solution in an unstructured changing and dynamic environment.

  • Funding

  • (October 2025-October 2028), “Explainable Generative AI for Digital Communications auto scoring” by Funded by Innovate UK and Bowen Craggs Ltd, (Principal Investigator). Our Essex funding is £320,533.

  • (May 2025-May 2028), “Hybrid Information Fusion and Generative AI Approach for Legal Applications” by Funded by Innovate UK and WS Strategic Ltd, (Principal Investigator). Our Essex funding is £280,533.

  • (May 2020-May 2023), “Explainable AI system for Developing Novel AI techniques to Mobile Network Coverage” Funded by British Telecom, (Principal Investigator). Our funding is £260,000.

  • (June 2019-June 2022), “Explainable AI systems for high power pumping systems monitoring and predictive maintenance” Funded by Innovate UK and Aquatech Presmain Ltd, (Principal Investigator). Our Essex funding is £243,533

  • (March 2019-March 2022) “An Explainable Artificial Intelligence System for Realizing Smart Internet of Things Networks ” Funded by Innovate UK and Plextek Ltd, (Principal Investigator). Our Essex funding is £243,533.

  • May 2019-May 2022) “A Transparent Artificial Intelligence for remote surveying” Funded by Innovate UK and Above Surveying Ltd, (Co- Investigator). Our Essex funding is £243,533.

  • (October 2018-October 2021) “An Explainable AI paradigm for data Analysis” Funded by Innovate UK and Cognitran Ltd, (Co- Investigator). Our Essex funding is £243,533.

  • (March 2018-March 2021) “Visual classification & tagging, and delivering this ability into the hands of the domain experts.” Funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Filament Ltd, (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding is £243,533

  • (October 2018-October 2021) “Strategic Deployment and Utilisation of Assets”, Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £75,000

  • (October 2018-October 2021) “Exploiting Mixed-Reality Technologies for Network Asset Management” Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £75,000.

  • (January 2017-January 2020) “Optimised Field Service Delivery: Exploiting computational approaches for field service delivery” Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £90,000

  • (October 2016-January 2019) “Risk-based simulation for sustainable field operations” Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £90,000.

  • (August 2015-August 2018) “An Intelligent Augmented Reality Remote Workforce Management System” Funded by the Innovate UK and BT. Funded by Innovate UK and British Telecom, (Principal Investigator). Our total Essex funding is £222,000.

  • (August 2015-August 2018) “Enhanced Capability in Computer-Vision Based Decision-Making Systems” Funded by the Innovate UK and Selex ES (Principal Investigator). Our total Essex funding is £210,000.

  • (October 2014- February 2017 )Advanced Resource Planning System for Organisational Design. Funded by British Telecom (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £84,250.

  • (February 2014- February 2015) “JUPITER & NEXT GENERATION FORECASTING MODELS” Funded by British Telecom (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £48,807.

  • (August 2014- December 2015) “Development of a hardware demonstration platform to monitor and detect human behaviours in a residential environment” Funded by Selex ES (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £21,375

  • (October 2013- October 2014) “Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Rule-based optimisation for operational supply planning” Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £48,807.

  • (February 2013-January 2014) “Rule Base Optimisation for Operational Supply Planning”. Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £31,753.

  • (October 2011-October 2014) “An Intelligent Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System for Schedule Adherence in BT”. Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). Our Essex funding was £84,250.

  • (September 2010- September 2013) “Developing Intelligent Adaptive Systems for Process Control and Production Optimisation in the Oil Refining Industries”.. Funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board and Sanctuary Personnel Ltd. (Principal Investigator). Our total Essex funding is £197,266.

  • (December 2010-December 2013) “Developing Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent Data Integration and Visualisation Tools”. Funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Sanctuary Personnel Ltd (Principal Investigator). Our total Essex funding is £211,266.

  • (October 2010-October 2011) “Distributed and Fuzzy Resource Planning”. Funded by British Telecom. (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £20,056.

  • (April 2011-April 2012) “Optimised Production Fuzzy Planning Model”. Funded by British Telecom (Principal Investigator). The Essex funding was £26,660.

  • (January 2008-June 2011) "Adaptive and Trusted Ambient Ecologies (ATRACO)”. Funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). (Principal Investigator). The total funding for this project is 2 Million Euros in which our funding is about £542,782. The project is in collaboration with the University of Ulm, Germany, LIMSI, France , CTI and InAccess Greece.

  • (December 2010-December 2015), “Scaling Intelligent Environments” Funded by King Abdulaziz University, (Co-Equal Investigator). Total Funding for Essex is £800,000.

  • (January 2011-January 2012): “Realising Smart Intelligent virtual class within an intelligent home”. Funded by the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) (Main Investigator). The total funding of this project was £110,000.

  • (December 2010- November 2011) “Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology Model and Its Applications” Funded by Taiwan National Science Council (NSC). Project number NSC 99-2911-I-024-004 under the framework of the NSC Initiative for Research Cooperation among Top UK and Taiwan Universities. Total Funding £60,000. In Cooperation with National University of Tainan, Taiwan.

  • (September 2010- September 2012): “Evaluation of Fuzzy Control Algorithms in Wind Energy Conversion Systems”. Project number STDF 599 (EGY-08-045). Funded by the International office of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (IB-BMBF) and the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF). (Co-Equal Investigator). The total funding of this project was £200,000. The project is in cooperation with Heilbronn University, Germany, Cairo University, Egypt.

  • (September 2009- September 2010): “Collaborative Distance Education within Intelligent Ambient Environments”. Funded by Hewlett-Packard (HP). (Co-Equal Investigator). The total funding of this project was £80,000.

  • (August 2009- August 2012) “Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology based Intelligent Agent for Healthcare Application” Project Number: NSC 98-2221-E-024 -009 -MY3. Funded by the Taiwan National Science Council. Total Fund is £54,000 . In Cooperation with National University of Tainan, Taiwan

  • (April 2006-October 2009) "An Embedded Agent Based System to Create Ambient Intelligent Virtual Care Homes”. Funded by the DTI, ESRC, Sanctuary Social Care. (Principal Investigator). Our total Essex funding is £197,266.

  • August 2009: British Telecom Short Term Fellowship. Total Fund is £4000.
  • (January 2008- July 2010) “Ontology Based Intelligent Agent for CMMI Knowledge Management” Project No. NSC 97-2221-E-024-011-MY2. Funded by the Taiwan National Science Council. Total Fund is 320,000NTD. In Cooperation with National University of Tainan, Taiwan and University of Salerno, Italy.

  • (April 2008-April 2009): “Realising An Intelligent Lecture Hall”. Funded by the German University in Cairo, (Principal Investigator). The total funding of this project was £40,000.

  • (March 2007-August 2007) “Workshop on the Future of (UK) Fuzzy Systems Research”, Project No EP/E058388/1. Funded by EPSRC, total funding of £ 12,026. (Co-investigator )

  • (January 2003-May 2006) "Self-Organised Societies of Connectionist Intelligent Agents capable of Learning", Project No IST-2001-38911. Funded by the European Union (EU) Future and Emerging Technology programme. (Principal Investigator) . The total funding of this project is 1.8 million Euros shared between 4 partners; University of Patras Medical school (Greece), CTI (Greece), Tyndall National Institute (Ireland) and ourselves. Our Essex share is £292,863.

  • (October 2002- October 2006) "An Intelligent Embedded Agent for the speed Control of Marine Diesel Engines" . Funded by MAN B&W Ltd. (Principal Investigator). The total Essex funding is £56,000. MAN is the biggest manufacturer of diesel engines in world and this project aims to develop intelligent agents that can be embedded in huge diesel engines to produce accurate and robust speed controllers for marine diesel engines.

  • (April 2005- April 2007) “Building an Intelligent Living Space (iSpace)”. Funded by the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE). (Main Investigator). The total funding of this development was £400,000 where 250,000 were awarded for the equipment of the iSpace from the SRIF-3 initiative and about £ 150,000 were awarded for the building structure from the SRIF-1 initiative.

  • (January 2001- January 2004) "eGadgets", Project No IST200-25240. Funded by the EU Disappearing Computer programme. (Principal-Investigator). The total funding of this project was 1.2 million Euros shared between 3 partners; CTI (Greece), NMRC (Ireland) and ourselves. Our Essex share was £237,000. The overall aim of the project was to create a computing framework for the design and implementation of future generations of pervasive computing artefacts.

  • (October 2003- October 2005) “Pervasive Home Environment Networks (PHEN)” . Funded by the DTI New Wave Technologies and Markets Programme. (Co-Investigator). The total funding for this project is £280,000 in which our Essex share is £93,000.

  • (February 2001- February 2003) "A soft-computing based, multi-agent architecture with applications to intelligent building sensing and control". Funded by the Korea-UK Science and Technology Collaboration Fund. (Principal Investigator). Our total funding for the project was £30,000. This project was done in partnership with the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

  • (June 2005- December 2005) ” Support for the IEE International workshop on Intelligent Environments”. Project No EP/C533607/1. Funded by the EPSRC. (Principal Investigator). The total Essex fund is £11,000.
  • Editorship

  • Cognitive Computation
  • Conference Chairing

    Invited Speeches and Lectures

    Panels, Tutorials, and Organised Sessions


    My full list of publications can be accessed here

    Journal Papers

    Authored Books

    Refereed Book Chapters

  • W. Song, H. Hagras, “A Hybrid Type-2 Fuzzy Based System for Football Scenes Classification within Recorded Video Sequences", Multimodal Analytics for Next-Generation Big Data Technologies and Applications, Springer, October 2018
  • A. Bilgin, H. Hagras, C. Wagner, “Novel Approaches to Artefact Adaptation in Ambient Intelligent Environments” Next Generation Intelligent Environments, 165-219, Springer, 2016
  • S. Naim, H. Hagras, “A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making “ In the Book entitled Granular Computing and Decision-Making, Springer, June 2015.
  • A. Bilgin, H. Hagras, C. Wagner, “Novel Approaches to Artefact Adaptation in Ambient Intelligent Environments” in the Book entitled “Next Generation Intelligent Environments” published by Springer, December 2015.
  • T. Kumbasar, H. Hagras, “Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PID Controllers”, Handbook of Computational Intelligence, Eds: J. Kacprzyk, W. Pedryz, pp.285-294, published by Springer, September 2014.
  • S. Shakya, S. Kassem, A. Mohamed, H. Hagras, G. Owusu “Enhancing Field Service Operations via Fuzzy Automation of Tactical Supply Plan”, in the book entitled “ Transforming Field and Service Operations” Published by Springer 2014.
  • H. Hagras, “Introduction to Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems” in the book entitled “Computational Intelligence” published by UNESCO Eolss, 2013.
  • C. Lee, M. Wang, M. Su, M. Wu, H. Hagras ”A Type-2 FML-Based Meeting Scheduling Support System” in the book entitled A Type-2 FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology for Dietary Assessment, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, pp.169-187, 2013.
  • C. Wagner, H. Hagras, “zSlices Based General Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems” in the book entitled “Advances to Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems, Springer, August 2013
  • M. Wang, C. Lee, H. Hagras, M. Su, Y. Tseng, H. Wang, Y.Wang, C. Liu “Applying FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology to University Assessment” in the book entitled A Type-2 FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology for Dietary Assessment, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, pp.133-147, 2013.
  • H.Huang, G. Acampora, V. Loia, C. Lee, H. Hagras, M. Wang, H.Kao, Chang “Fuzzy Markup Language for Malware Behavioral Analysis” in the book entitled A Type-2 FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology for Dietary Assessment, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, pp.113-132, 2013.
  • J. Dooley, H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, M. Henson, “The Tailored Fabric of Intelligent Environments” in the book entitled Internet of Things and Inter-cooperative Computational Technologies for Collective Intelligence, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, pp. 321-344, 2013.
  • M. Wang, C. Lee, Z.Chen, H.Hagras, S.Kuo, H.Kuo, H.Cheng” A Type-2 FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology for Dietary Assessment” in the book entitled A Type-2 FML-Based Fuzzy Ontology for Dietary Assessment, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, pp.149-168, 2013
  • H. Hagras, C. Wagner, “Artefact Adaptation in Ambient Intelligent Environments” in the book entitled Pervasive Adaptation, published by Springer Verlag, Germany, Eds, W. Minker, T. Heinroth, December 2011.
  • H. Hagras, “Introduction to Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers” in the book entitled “Intelligent Systems, Published by Taylor & Francis Group, Eds J. Irwin, May 2011.
  • A. Hassanien, J. Abawajy, A.Abraham, H. Hagras, “ Advances in Intelligent Multimedia and Pervasive Computing”, in Series of Computer Communications and Networks- CCN published by Springer Verlag, Germany, September 2010.
  • H. Hagras, W. Minker, M. Weber, A. Kameas, V. Callaghan, “ Advanced Intelligent Environments”, Springer, USA, June 2009.
  • A. Kameas, C. Goumopoulos, H. Hagras, Victor Callaghan, T. Heinroth, M.Weber, “An Architecture that Supports Task-Centered Adaptation” in the book entitled Advanced Intelligent Environments”, Springer, USA, pp.41-69, June 2009
  • H. Hagras, “Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers: A Way Forward for Fuzzy Systems in Real World Environments”, The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2008 Plenary/Invited Lectures, LNCS 5050, pp. 180–199, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008.
  • H. Duman, H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, “Adding Intelligence to Ubiquitous Computing Environments” in the Book entitled “Ubiquitous Computing and Environments” Studies in Computational Intelligence, Ed. (Vincenzo Loia), Springer Verlag, pp. 61-102, December 2007.
  • H. Hagras, “A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for Handling Uncertainties Facing Mobile Robots in Changing Unstructured Environments”, In the book entitled “Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications” (Eds: Y. Bai, H. Zhuang and D. Wang), Springer Verlag, Chapter 12, pp. 167-182, July 2006.
  • V. Callaghan, M. Colley, H. Hagras, J. Chin, F. Doctor, G. Clarke, “Programming iSpaces: A Tale of Two Paradigms”, In the book entitled “Intelligent Spaces: The Application of Pervasive ICT”, (Eds: A. Steventon, S. Wright), Springer-Verlag, Chapter 24, pp.389- 421, December 2005.
  • P. Remagnino, H. Hagras, N. Monekosso, S. Velastin, “AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE: A Gentle Introduction” In the book entitled “AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE A Novel Paradigm” (Eds: P. Remagnino, G. Foresti, T. Ellis), Springer Verlag, pp.1-15, January 2005.
  • E. Tawil, H. Hagras, “An Adaptive Multi Embedded-Agent Architecture for Intelligent Inhabited Environments”, In the book entitled ”Application and Science Soft Computing”, in the International Series “Advances in Soft Computing“,(Eds : A. Lotfi, J. Garibaldi), Springer Verlag, pp.271-279, June 2004.
  • H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, G. Clarke, M. Colley, A. Pounds-Cornish, A. Holmes, H. Duman, "Incremental Synchronous Learning for Embedded-Agents Operating in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", In the book entitled “Soft Computing Agents: A New Perspective for Dynamic Information Systems”, in the International Series “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Application”, (Ed: V. Loia), IOS Press, pp.25-54, December 2002.
  • H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, M. Colley, G. Clarke, H. Duman, "Online Learning and Adaptation for Intelligent Embedded Agents Operating in Domestic Environments book " In the book entitled “Fusion of Soft Computing and Hard Computing for Autonomous Robotic Systems” (Eds: C.Zhou, D. Maravall and D. Ruan), in the International Series “Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing“ , Physica Verlag, Volume 116, pp. 293-323, November 2002.
  • V. Callaghan, M. Colley, G. Clarke, H. Hagras, "A Soft-Computing based Distributed Artificial Intelligence Architecture for Intelligent Buildings", In the book entitled “Soft Computing agents: New Trends for Designing Autonomous Systems”, in the International Series "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing“, (Eds: V. Loia, S.Sessa), Springer Verlag, Volume 75, pp. 117-145, 2002.
  • H. Hagras, V. Callaghan, M. Colley, " An Embedded-Agent Architecture for Online Learning & Control in Intelligent Machines" In the book entitled “New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and its applications”, (Ed: M. Mohammadin), IOS Press, pp. 165-174, 2000.
  • Refereed Conference Papers

    Standard Background

    Edited Books and Journal Special Issues


    Due to the industrial and application relevance of my research, I have been involved in strong collaboration with industry. This industrial collaboration was in form of collaborative research projects, knowledge transfer and consultancies. This industrial collaboration is of great benefit as besides providing research funding, it also allows the development of courses that are of direct relevance to industry as well as providing industrial placements which will further enhance the skills of the University graduates. Furthermore, this industrial cooperation allows the dissemination of my research into real world products and services which can be useful and helpful to the community.

  • I submitted an Impact case study for REF 2014 and REF 2021. My impact cases summarised the great success of the knowledge exchange I performed with industry including British Telecom.

  • I have numerous Knowledge Transfer Partnership projects where the majority were graded as Outstanding by Innovate UK and some of them were award winning and all of them generated significant impact on the involved organization.

  • I have given advice to several UK government agencies including:

    Research Students Supervision

    previous PhD and Research students

    I am currently supervising the following PhD and Research students

  • Khizra Maqsood
  • Ashish Bhatia
  • Mahmoud Al Fayan